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6. Sezon React Native Mobil
Orneklemeler (149:53)
Algoritma Cover (166:15)
Html & Css
Html & Css Cover (164:03)
Javascript Cover (154:29)
Typescript Cover (199:10)
SQL Cover (181:26)
React Cover
React Cover (203:12)
React Native
React Native Ortam Kurulumu (229:43)
React Native Başlangıç | React Cover (195:24)
React Native Component & State & Props & Core Component (201:16)
React Native Core Component & FlexBox & React Native Navigation (205:21)
React Native Navigation & Instagram App (199:51)
Instragram App (10:00)
Instagram App Bitiş & Amazon App Başlangıç (163:23)
App icon & Splash Screen & App Name (Android,İos) (179:18)
Project Architecture (181:25)
Genel Tekrar Uygulama (Trendyol) 1 (180:55)
Genel Tekrar Uygulama (Trendyol) 2 (145:35)
Fire Base (Fire Store) 1 (162:53)
Fire Base (Fire Store & Formik & Yup) 2 (147:38)
Maps & Geolocation (85:32)
Maps & Geolocation 2 (183:24)
Fire Base (Authentication) (174:20)
Uygulama Yayınlama (Android & İos) (155:13)
SQL LİTE 1 (182:07)
SQL LİTE 2 (166:00)
React Native-Typescript 1 (180:59)
React Native-TypeScript 2 (156:02)
Push Nottification 1 (32:57)
Push Nottification 2 (187:33)
Push Nottification 3 (165:50)
Deep linking 1 (83:35)
Memoization (Performans) (189:15)
AmazonApp Bitiş & AsyncStorage (203:44)
AsyncStorage-Task-App (197:02)
AsyncStorage Task-App Bitiş (192:56)
AsyncStorage E-Commarce (199:25)
AsyncStorage E-Commarce Sepet İşlemleri (188:01)
Context API
Context API nedir? Spotify Clone LoginScreeen (181:51)
Spotify Clone HomeScreen, LikedSongScreen, SongInfoScreen, ProfileScreen, Context API (192:23)
Context,API İstekleri, Verileri Ekrana Aktarma (194:10)
Spotify Clone müzik oynatma ve durdurma işlemleri, Redux Nedir? (193:49)
Rick and Morty sayfa tanımlama, redux, redux-thunk (196:27)
Rick and Morty arama işlemleri, filtreleme işlemlleri, Redux-toolkit nedir? (190:06)
Netflix Clone sayfalandırma yapısı, anasayfa, detay sayfası, redux toolkit (192:15)
Netflix Clone arama işlemleri, oyuncu detay sayfası, favori işlemleri (194:20)
Formik & Yup
Cv ve Linkedln Düzenleme,Formik & Yup ile Form Validasyonu (200:58)
WhatsApp Clone
WhatsApp Clone 1 (186:25)
WhatsApp Clone 2 (189:32)
WhatsApp Clone 3 (214:05)
WhatsApp Clone 4 (168:42)
WhatsApp Clone 5 (177:51)
WhatsApp Clone 6 (189:21)
WhatsApp Clone 7 (203:18)
WhatsApp Clone 8 (152:56)
Unit Test
Unit Test (141:13)
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React Native Başlangıç | React Cover
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