Udemig is a highly skilled and uniquely capable firm with multitudes of talent on-board
Udemig powered us with a competent team to develop products for banking services. The team has been delivering results within budget and time, which is amazing.
- Rupert Wood

Sofware is a doomsday device
Augusta Ada King can be considered the first person to recognize the potential of computers. She envisioned that they were not merely calculation machines. Her work laid the path to what we call software today. She wrote the first algorithm for a machine to execute, namely the Analytical Engine. She was born in 1815. Fast forward a century, another woman takes the stage: Grace Hopper. Most people know her as the creator of the language COBOL. She revolutionized the computers by removing the punch cards from the equation which were fundamentally used to feed data/instructions to machines. In 1952 she created the first compiler for the A-0 programming language. That was how a new era for humanity began. They simply wanted to streamline the process in a business-centric way.
All computers and machines except for the quantum computers can only interpret the language of binary, in other words, if electricity exists or not. This is handy because we want computers to be precise and whats more precise than confirming if something is there or not. Compilers help computers do just that; they take the code written in a higher language and translate it to a lower one (Lower meaning closer to binary or machine language in this case). It goes without saying that all languages end up being translated to binary (except for quantum computers, we will get to that later).

Software is not a product
When a purchase is completed that means goods are delivered. You should not seek the assistance of the seller to benefit from the product unless said good is defective. Tangible products may have expiration dates, best before dates or certain amount of life expectancy but the sole owner must be the buyer and the buyer should retain all rights to that specific instance of the product. Buyer must remain the sole party that has any say on the modifications of the product. In a world with freedom and laws, this is how things supposed to work. In reality though, it is sketchy, corrupt and disgusting.

Life is a Simulation and How acknowledging it helped me
I will not bog you down with the fact sheet on why and how it is irrefutable that life is a sort of simulation but not probably akin to the one portrayed in the matrix. I am just going to leave it at: not all of this simulation has to take place on a computer as we know it.
I define myself as the renaissance man and i take no pride in it. Being a polymath or know-all does not help one in life. Industries prefer cogs, highly specialized modular units that can be appended into the workforce, they hate a polymath unless that person can somehow make himself relevant in more vague positions or simply the founder. That is how my interdisciplinary imagination is being fed. Here is a glimpse of how my mind operates and my consumption frenzy goes: I read some Donald Knuth, makes me curious about concepts such as Phrenology, Kripke Semantics, Backus-Naur form then i realize it is all in nature as well so all of a sudden i see my self taking up Mr. Dawkins’ book The Selfish Gene discussing the altruistic behaviors and their explanations. Get bored, realize peacocks are excellent marketers then i go read some marketing namely Dave Trott which brings me to the surveillance capitalism concept devised by Shoshana Zuboff. I consume some; then i go ahead and investigate Elon Musk one of the biggest violators of privacy, find out his vision for the future, which is ultimately grid defection. I looked up AI, Roku’s Basilisk, I read QCD, i read about neural pathways, effects of LSD. Watched some WestWorld, then all this smorgasbord started to make sense and appear interconnected. Noam Chomsky, a man i had once thought as a mere literary genius appears to be a pseudo-software and maths genius instead because they all lead to each other. Double-slit experiment could not have existed without the philosophy behind it. I went ahead and tried to find an answer to whether our brains were analog or digital it was neither. See what a polymath or scanner personality does to a person? Long story short, I came to realize that something was off. God’s Debris by Scott Adams, is an excellent read. although i do not like the author himself. He kind of peeks into the rabbit hole. Especially on the subject of Selective Perception. How you learn a new absurd word and start hearing and seeing it everywhere. The Selective Perception alone feels off and inexplicable. I am aware of all the scientific background. I am highly skeptical as well, don’t worry. I don’t exactly know when i was convinced enough to live my life accordingly though, but there it is, i have succumbed to the idea. But, why should we care? What to do with this knowledge? How can one live one’s life in accordance with the fact that it is all a simulation and not real? What is real anyways? What the hell does it have to do with anything? It made me feel more in control to be honest. Because apparently, our observations alone affect the outcomes of the opportunities we are presented. You know that itch in your head, urging you to do something career-destroying or radical? Acknowledging that, it is all a simulation helps you be free of it. Let me set it straight by no means i am saying that reject science at all but what i believe is we have infinite power on our will and consciousness, how we perceive things. Since it’s all we got standing between the simulation and what makes us, us. Then if we can shift it somehow we can also shift the outcomes, tune ourselves to reply better and be more successful overall. I want to believe that our consciousness can not be fabricated but they are affected by the presence of each consciousness around them.
Hi, I’m Mehmet Can Seyhan
I am a Software Engineer, Consultant, Instructor, and Entrepreneur.
You name it, we do it
React İle Web Frontend
Web frontend teknolojileri ve React öğrenerek en çok ihtiyaç duyulan yazılım alanında uzmanlaş ve mobil uygulamalar için kapıları sonuna kadar arala.