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5. Sezon Nodejs Backend
Orneklemeler 1 (116:31)
Algoritma Cover,Gelişmiş Algoritma Soru Çözümleri (222:28)
JavaScript Cover
Değişken | Türler | Function | Dizi Methodları | Modüle | Promise | Then-Catch | Async-Await (207:36)
SQL Cover
Veri Tabanı | SQL-NoSQL(İlişkisel-İlişkisel Olmayan Veri Tabanları) | SQL Data Types | SSMS ile Tablo Oluşturma | SQL Komutları (194:06)
TypeScript Cover
Typescript ? | type_annotation| array | tuple | any | custom_type | function | intersection | union type | ts.config (190:51)
Node.js Nedir ? Kurulum | File System | Path | Asenkron - Senkron (155:15)
API Nedir ? Request | Response | Headers | Params | Body (155:25)
API Routes | SSR | Manav Api Örneği (153:02)
Fullstack Movie App | Backend | Postman (154:50)
Fullstack Movie App | Backend | Post | Delete | Postman (156:49)
Fullstack Movie App | Frontend | List | Create | CORS (151:00)
Fullstack Movie App - Delete - Filter | Express Nedir ? (146:36)
Express | Car API (158:04)
Car API - Edit | Fullstack Recipe - Backend (154:59)
Fullstack Recipe | Express Backend - Frontend Layout (150:47)
Fullstack Recipe | Frontend - Listeleme - Oluşturma (166:41)
Fullstack Recipe | Frontend - Düzenleme - Silme | Mongodb (147:43)
Mac Kurulum | Windows Kurulum | Compass | Komutlar (150:00)
Mongodb Mehod / Operatörler | Mongoose | Enviroment Var. (151:25)
Mongoose Methods | Crud Opertaions (155:35)
Mongoose Operators | Filter | Sort | Paginate | Limit (153:59)
Alias Routes | Aggregation Pipeline (85:10)
Pre - Post Middleware | Custom - ThirdParty Validators (155:35)
Authentication | Login - SignUp - Hash and Salt - Cookies (198:45)
Authorization | Logout | Route Protect | Role Based Auth (200:11)
Forgot Pass | Update Pass | Mail Gönderme | Catch Async (197:42)
Hesap Bilgileri Güncelleme | Hesap Dondurma | Güvenlik Açıkları & Çözümleri (201:54)
Veri Modelleme | Embedding | Refferancing | İlişki Türleri (193:47)
Parent Refferance | Child Refferance | Populate | Virtual Populate (208:35)
Rating Hesaplama | Index Detayları | Coğrafi Filtreleme (193:23)
Medya Yükleme | Optimizasyon | Multer | Sharp (193:08)
Fiverr Clone
Authentication Backend (197:26)
Authentication Frontend (196:13)
Authentication Tamamlandı | Cloudinary Resim Yükleme (193:58)
Gig CRUD Backend (191:55)
Gig Crud Frontend (192:59)
Fiverr Clone Bitiş | Next.js Nedir ? (199:29)
Next.js Nedir ? | Routing | Dynamic Routes | Nested Routes | SSG (194:27)
Parallel Routes | Intercepting Routes | Image | CSR & SSR | Font (201:57)
Font | Data Fetching | Next.js Functions | createStaticProps (198:05)
Ticket App | Create - List (200:11)
Ticket App | Delete - Update (194:40)
Ticket App - Admin Dashboard | Car Rental - Home (194:44)
Car Rental - Detail - Photos - Stripe Payment (195:09)
Car Rental - Stripe Payment - Webhooks - Orders (193:07)
Microservice Nedir? | Monolithic Mimariden Microservice'e Geçiş (189:35)
Monolithic Mimariden Microservice'e Geçiş Tamamlandı (192:28)
Hata Çözümleri | Message Broker | RabbitMQ Kurulum (190:50)
RabbitMQ Entegrasyonu | CloudAMQP | Docker Nedir? (193:32)
Ecommerce Microservice | Kurulum - Auth Service (196:47)
Ecommerce Microservice | Auth Service - Product Service - Gateway (200:15)
Ecommerce Microservice | Product Service - Order Service - RabbitMQ (194:05)
Nest.js Temeller | Nest CLI | Validation Pipe | Transform Pipe (200:21)
Nest.js | Custom Pipes | Custom Decorators | Service | MongoDB (196:00)
Cursor Ai - En Verimli Kullanım | Nest.js - Bookmark Project - PostgresSQL - Auth (194:50)
Teach online with
Fullstack Movie App | Frontend | List | Create | CORS
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